Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My world might be crubbling

It's a sad dark day for the United States indeed when they have to release news like this...

Workers at Mother's Cookies were told earlier this month that the company is shutting down for good and cookies will no longer be made. Now who's going to make those delicious frosted animal cookies? An American original bites the dust

The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last Monday. Their distribution plants in Ohio and Canada are closed forever. The private equity firm that owned Mother's blamed rising fuel and ingredient prices. (

For the history of this fabulous cookie company check out this link:

R.I.P. Mother's Cookies... my special milk and cookie moments will not be the same without you...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meet the Fat Girls- Michelle

So I'm sure you're asking yourself who would start a blog that calls out their eating habits and their size? My answer: two girls who are (far too) passionate about food. So here's a bit about me.

Michelle- I am 20-something SWF (single white female for those of you that aren't acronym savvy) who has unrequited love for food. The most common thing that comes out of my mouth when mentioning a location is "oh my gosh did you ever eat at..." Some may say i drown my emotions in food, but really I think that eating is a pleasure, a treat and something that breaks up the normal and boring mundane of life. I am constantly photographed with food either in my mouth, hanging out my mouth or somewhere within the frame- and yes i do consider this a talent. I think the most important thing to reallly know about me is that I eat like carbs are going out of style...